Shooting activities can be a lot of fun but did you know shooting can also be good for your health?
As a recreational activity shooting can be a stress-relieving adventure, helping the individual both physically and mentally. Shooting activities include rifle shooting, clay and laser shooting, laser tag and archery.
The physical benefits include developing good posture, increased body strength – strong sturdy arms and hands, improving stamina and attention to hand-eye coordination whilst improving fine motor skills. Keeping your eyes on the target while taking aim requires focus. Giving your eyes a break from staring at computers, TVs, mobiles and tablets, helps to exercise the eye muscles and relieves associated eye stress.
Shooting sports also sharpen and expand your level of concentration, introducing problem solving mathematical logic and creative thinking. These exhilarating sports boost confidence and self-esteem whilst releasing adrenaline. Adrenaline makes the heartbeat faster, increases blood flow to the brain and muscles, and stimulates the body to make sugar to use for fuel.
‘Shooting 4 Fun’, based at the Oaklands Pursuits Centre in Hanbury, is committed to helping you improve your overall health whilst enjoying any of the Centre’s outdoor shooting activities. Book a shooting activity and enjoy improved wellbeing - including a confidence boost, beneficial adrenalin rush, improved balance, enhanced co-ordination and mental stimulation.
We've been running outdoor shooting activities for over 30 years in Worcestershire and many parts of the UK. We teach people of all ages, including children, how to shoot responsibly for pleasure.
Recreational shooting can be stress relieving and so contribute to good mental well-being. Physical benefits include good posture, increased body strength, improved stamina and attention to hand-eye coordination whilst improving fine motor skills.
Shooting activities also introduce problem-solving mathematical logic and creative thinking. Furthermore, shooting activities help get kids off their mobile devices or the TV and into the fresh air!
It is such a shame that this great leisure pursuit is being targeted as something dangerous and to be avoided.
Come and join in the Fun To enjoy a Shooting Experience, call 01527 575 141.